There are four independent regional gelatine associations worldwide:
Gelatine Manufacturers of Europe (GME) est. 1974. |
The Gelatin Manufactures Institute of America (GMIA) est. 1956. |
The South American Gelatine Manufactures Association (SAGMA) est.
1995. |
The Gelatine Manufacturers of Asia Pacific (GMAP) est. 1997. |
The above associations are comprised of the major gelatine manufacturers in their
regions and collectively represent the vast majority of the gelatine industry worldwide.
Derived from healthy animals slaughtered that have been determined fit for human consumption by competent Authority. |
Traceable from its source through to the gelatine manufactured there from. |
In compliance with the highest safety requirements of national and international
standards such as ISO 9001-2008, ISO 22000-2005 and GMP. |
In compliance with the regulations, legislation and authorities applicable to the
region or country of sale. |
In compliance with and conforming to local environmental, social and ethical
regulations and standards. |